Fabienne Blanc            Aquarelle, techniques diverses
Fabienne Blanc            Aquarelle, techniques diverses
Plumeria blooms
Searching for a Heart of Gold
Mangoes on red
"Mango Smoothie?"
Pas de deux
"Coconut Palm, Lanikai"
"Lanikai Coconuts",
Breadfruit shadow
"Vintage Dendrobium"
"Red Ginger"
"On Mokulua Drive"
"Three yellow fruit"
Hawaii on my mind
"A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs"
"Colors of Crotons"
"Scent of a plumeria"
"Close to Mangoes"
Breadfruit on Atherton Street
Croton flowers
Pink Plumeria, close-up
"Wild Coconuts"
Phalaenopsis Harlequin
Cymbidium Orchids
Before eating a Mango
"Du pain sur la planche"
"Fragrant Plumeria"
"Orchids Vintage"
"Parfum de Femme"
Coconuts at Dusk
Noix de Coco, Lanikai
Single Ginger
Breadfruit Atherton Street 4
"Breadfruit Blues"
"Red Torch Ginger"
Colorful Crotons
"Plumeria Nostalgia"
"Yellow lilies, red outline"
"Pink orchids, pale blue background"
"Morning Mangoes"
"Ulu on Beckwith Street"
"Breadfruit duo"
"Yellow Ulu"

Foster Garden Breadfruit

Pink and yellow plumeria
Sunny Mangoes
Golden Cup 2
"Yellow birds on Red"
"Yellow birds on Coral"
"Retro Coco"
"Breadfruit solo"
"Light show"
Crotons White background
Bouquet d'Orchidées
"Breadfruit Tree"
"Plumeria in Paradise"
"Beautiful Day"
"Pour un collier de fleurs"
"Tangerine Dream"
Croton leaves in pinks and greens
Plumeria, sunny day
"White Butterflies"
"Angels of Peace"
Another day in Paradise
Yellow bananas
3 orchids, close up
Cup of Gold 2
"Soft orchids"
Grouping of 4 phaelanopsis orchids
"La vie en rose"
"Moonlight Bloom"
2 green mangoes
3 green coconuts
Yellow Bird of Paradise
Blue Birds
Hanging Heliconias
Orchids, Pink wall
Phaelanopsis with buds
Pink Orchids , pale background
Pink Pineapple
Plumerias on blue
Single Breadfruit
Sunlit Plumerias
Two coconuts
Yellow coconuts
4 plumerias
Party of Three, Foster Gardens
Noix de Coco vertes
Plumeria, morning sun
Plumerias, Kakela Drive
Plumerias, Rocky Hill"
"Orchids, orange background"
"Orchids, Blue Background"
"Lilies, teal background"
"Ripe mangoes"
"Plumerias, blue sky"
"Pink Plumeria, blue sky 1"
"Pink Plumeria, blue sky 2"
"Coconut tree"
"Torch Ginger"
Breadfruit Atherton Street 3
Breadfruit Atherton Street 2
"In the neighbor's yard"
"Cora's plumerias"
"Waiting for chutney"
"Yellow breadfruit Duo"

"Parfum de frangipane"
"Deep Purple"
Sunlight on Breadfruit
Lilies, coral background
Nightblooming Cereus
Breadfruit Tree, Foster Gardens,
Dendrobium Orchids
White orchids
Breadfruit by the sea
Coconut tree
3 yellow breadfruit
White birds of Paradise
Coconuts with deep purple
Blue Coconuts
Near Nuts
Three coconuts in the shade
Coconuts, blue sky
Cattleya orchids with ocean
Noix de coco jaunes
Red Ginger 3
Plumeria with bud
Fleurs de frangipanier
Frangipanes blanches
sunlight on coconuts
Night blooms
Butterfly orchids
"Orchids, Salmon Background "
"White Orchids, aqua background"
"Breadfruit, Atherton Street 1"
"Into the wild"
Red Ginger 2
Red Ginger 1
Croton puzzle
2 birds
White birds
Pink and yellow plumerias
Hala fruit
Yellow lilies, blue sky